Carmit Brandt, Ph.D

My Journey

Hello and welcome, allow me to introduce myself

My name is Dr. Carmit (pronounced “car-meet”) Brandt and I am the founder and developer of The New Me Evolution.

I speak from experience, academic education and life. One can describe me as a perpetual student, an educator, and an explorer navigating life. My life’s journey, just like yours, is unique as only I experience it.

In my life’s travels I visited many places where I experienced short stops or long stays. Some visits were more fun and exciting than others. While on the road, I faced calm days, rough and stormy days, gloomy days, and spectacular days. I traveled alone or with company on board. Some travelers made lasting impressions, while others were quickly forgotten.

I am a believer that everything happens from personal choices and for a reason. Everyplace I stopped and visited had an important purpose. Regardless of what occurred during that visit, good or bad, I needed to be there. Whether I met new people or learnt a new lesson, I was supposed to be there. And yes, it started with a single choice to begin the voyage.

So I keep traveling and exploring life, enjoying and living the journey as it happens, for I do not know when or where I will reach my last stop. I have traveled a long way and I’ve now reached this place in time.

Something Formal in an Informal Way

 While it may sound an unlikely combination, I have formal and informal education and experience in Health, Wealth, Style and Life coaching. I have a PhD in Holistic Nutrition and a financial degree in business and computers. I held a CPA certification which I retired to have more fun. I served in the military and achieved a C (CFO and COO) executive level in Corporate America. I left my corporate life with a “bang” as I helped sell the company I worked for. It was the right time for me to leave the corporate lifestyle and realize my lifelong pursuit of working for myself and becoming an entrepreneur.

My life’s travels intrigue some people. Others may describe them as fearless. I simply see my adventures as following my dreams with hard work and deliberate determination. I always strive to excel in whatever I pursue and try to live with passion and compassion while navigating my course.

I use my life experiences combined with my eclectic formal education to deliver you working programs in a real life practical way. I am here to inspire you and help you be your best wherever you are in your life’s journey.